Eve Online
First Impressions
There are no levels in Eve Online, only skill books. You can learn 1 skill at a time and each skill book has 5 levels. You can queue up to 24 hours of skills to be learned. You will learn these skills in the order that they are queued. You will continue to learn these skills even when you aren’t logged in. The first few levels of a particular skill, like Jury Rigging, usually takes somewhere between a few minutes and a few hours to learn. When you get to level 5, it can take up to a month to get through it. The more skills you have the better ships you can fly and the better you can equip your ship. It may sound a little confusing. The good people at CCP have revamped the in game tutorial and you will have very little difficulty learning the basics of the game. You will pick up on the more complex parts of this game over time.
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